Cartolarizzazioni Immobiliari e Re.O.Co. – Stato Avanzamento Lavori

On Thursday 6th October, GMA organized and promoted a conference on real estate securitization. Attended the round table, moderated by Stefania Peveraro (BeBeez): Silvia Rovere (Confindustria -Assoimmobiliare), Diego Bortot (Zenith Service S.p.a.), Emanuele Grassi (GMA) Roberto Maffioletti (KPMG) e Francesco Squerzoni (Jones Day).

At the end of the event partecipants were invited to “Vigna di Leonardo” and “Casa degli Atellani” for an exclusive visit.

Slide: “Cartolarizzazioni Immobiliari e Re.O.Co. – Stato Avanzamento Lavori – 06/10/2022”

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